Time: 30 minutes
12 Data Problem Sets
Directions: Use these general directions for each of following questions, and click on the best answer(s) among the choices. Try to simulate the test conditions by keeping track of your time using the clock provided on your computer screen. A simple four-function on-screen calculator is available to help you perform simple computations. Make sure to budget your time effectively. Your task is to respond to each question as you:
- select true or false (yes or no) buttons
- select the correct answer from a list
- click on the correct answer from two columns of a table
- click on the correct answer from among five answer choices
- use the “previous” button (at the bottom left side) to return to previous questions
- Analyze data from general to specific. Examine the general scope of the graphic displays before answering specific questions. When a graphic display is provided, briefly analyze the whole graphic display (table, chart, spreadsheet, etc.) to see what it’s all about before starting to solve each problem. Look for obvious, dramatic trends (high points or low points) and look at the headings that clarify the data (legends, units of measurement, axis labels, or tabs) as you scan the graphic display.
- Look for the logical relationship. In some questions, you are asked which statements are true or false (yes or no) based upon data provided. This usually involves examining each statement individually, but many of the statements may be interrelated. You may notice a logical relationship among the statements that allows you to settle on the correct answer more quickly.
- Manage your time. You have roughly 2 ½ minutes to answer each problem set. Some questions require that you answer up to three questions per source (table, graph, etc.). Keep this in mind as you practice so you get used to budgeting your allotted time.